Prior to the first training day
Participants will complete an online assessment where they will rate different sets of words to determine which traits best and least describe their personalities.
For half of the team, this will be a useful reflection tool about changes that have occurred since they completed their previous profile. For the other half, this will be a new way to gain insights into their individual preferences and behaviours.

10th October
A one-day face-to-face workshop where we will work with the new members of the team to help them to understand the results of their profile through a range of fun and engaging activities.
Getting to know the team and each other.
Exploration of their personal profiles.
Time and Energy Management.
Tuckman Team formation.

11th October
A one-day, face-to-face workshop where we will work with the existing team, helping them in understanding the outcomes of their updated profiles in contrast to their prior ones. This session will also take into account any alterations that may have occurred.
Understanding the outcome of the previous day's workshop with new team members.
Exploration of their current personal profiles in comparison to their previous ones.
Deeper thoughts on colour energies.
2nd Dimension: Being Curious

17th October
A one-day face-to-face workshop where we will focus on the relationships between the team members as a whole, understanding the impact of the four colour energies and how our behaviours can be used to develop a harmonious environment.
Jungian Philosophy
Sensing and Intuition: how do we gather information.
Thinking and Feeling: how do we make decisions.
Extroversion and Introversion: how do we respond to situations.
Team mapping
How to communicate with me.
Ways of working to be established, i.e. working from home.

Early 2024
​Another day together where we will continue to focus on working relationships and create a deeper understanding of how to get the best out of ourselves and each other.
Discover your hidden potential.
Stretching your comfort zone.
The Grow Model and the benefits of coaching.
Relationship mapping.

Early 2024 and 6 months later
Participants will complete a 'Team Dynamics' online assessment, which is a performance management and reporting tool.
We will then work with both of you, Raj and Emily, to assess where the team are now, helping you to further develop the team and sustain the changes that have been made.
6 months later, the team will complete another 'Team Dynamics' assessment. Reviewing where your team is then will enable you to see the tangible results of the programme and help you to plan for the future.